


Nestled in the majestic Alps, at the heart of European culture since time immemorial, home of Mozart – whose music still enthralls the world – and Freud – whose theories still infuriates the world – lies Austria. Participate in winter sports up in the snow-clad mountains and be moved by the dancing Lipizzaners of the Spanish Riding School. Eat a quick apfelstrudel as you grab your bike and pedal up a hilly road to catch sight of the sun glittering on the surface of a cerulean lake. So rich and lively, Austria must seem a forever bustling country but charming towns, quaint villages and picturesque mountains are as much a part of the famed 'Österreich' and these too demand exploration.

Austria's official language is German and its currency, the Euro. Since Austria will awe you any time of the year, there is no best time to visit. However, as the weather changes through the year, so do the possible activities – some parts of the year are better for city related activities, some for cycling and trekking and others for skiing and snow-boarding.

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